Saturday, March 1, 2008

James 12 month Milestones

James- 3 teeth (2 on bottom and 1 on top) This week he took his first steps between mom and dad. A few days later, he ventured on his own from the panty across the kitchen to mom at the kitchen sink. He clapped for himself he was so proud. He gets braver every day. James loves to dance to music, he buts his hands in the air and sways back and forth. He snorts like a pig and roars like a dinosaur. When asked if he wants milk, he will sign for it, witch is about the same thing he does to say bye-bye. When James comes to the stairs he will turn around and scoot down. He loves to crawl up and down the stairs. He has learned that mom doesn't like when he plays in the tree dirt, and that no means no. He is no longer a helplessness baby.

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