Sunday, October 19, 2008


So last night we ended up in the ER with James. The Dr. found double ear infections. While James had a chest x-ray, I walked over to the Nursing Home to visit my Grandma. She was having a bad day and started to cry. She is so worried about crying in front of anyone. I took her it was ok, I cry too. When I got back to the ER, I walked into the room and James reached for me and started to scream. The cries didn't get any better, because with in minute we were holding him down while they took 2 blood samples out of his arm. I love to watch blood being drawn, but it was hard to see James so unhappy. As we waited for results I walked up and down the hall with James. He didn't want to go back in that room. Good news.....x-ray looked good. Blood test "fairly dry" but dehydration is not to the point that IV was needed. We went home with antibiotic and orders to get him to drink.

It was another sleep less night for me. But the fever is down this morning and he drank milk and ate some bread for breakfast. Hopefully we are on the way to recovery. I got my primary music covered for today, so I am going to send John, J and Jakub to church and maybe I will get a nap. LOL


Keri said...

Poor James. I hate when children are sick. :( Get better!

Dianna said...

It hard being sick, but its hardest when your kids are sick. I hope he gets better soon!!

Megan Mills said...

I'm so sorry. You and James are in our prayers and we hope to see you this weekend.

Noble Fam said...

I am so sorry James was sick. As a parent you wish you could take their pain and sickness away. I hope he gets feeling better and you get some rest. Hope to see you this weekend.

Sterling said...

Those are words that will never fall from my lips "I love to see blood being drawn". I get all light headed and nauseous just thinking about it.