It's that time of year. If you would have told me 10 or even 15 years ago that in 2008 I would be married to a city boy, have a 6 year old boy and 17 month old twin boys, I don't think I would believe you. I guess the biggest shock to me is that I live in Preston Idaho. I always thought I would marry a city boy and live in the city. So here we are spending our 2nd year in Preston and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
Mom met me and the kids at the Library to watch the parade. J was grabbing candy for about 1/2 the parade and then he sat down on Grandma's lap for a rest. He is almost bigger that Grandma. He is wearing size 7 and 8 closes now.
I want to update everyone on J. 4 months ago J was put back on the blood pressure medicine because the Nephroligist was concerned that the blood pressure was averaging over 111 which is the 90% for a kid his age. For 2 months J suffered from the chronic cough side effect. John and I finally decided that it was time to take him off the medication. It was a leap of faith but we felt it was the right thing to do. We have been taking blood pressure readings from home and they have averaged around 111. Yesterday we went to see Dr. Nelson at Primary Children's Hospital. At the weight and measurement station the nurse checked and his blood pressure was 126/78. I thought CRAP we are going to go home with instructions to put him back on the meds. Well Dr. Nelson let him relax while we talked. And then took 3 measurements manually (not the machine) his average was 100/60. We did get orders to get blood work done and a first morning urine sample. And we were encouraged to here that there is another option for medication if we have to use it again. It was 9 months ago today that we walked out of Primary Children's Hospital just 16 hours after J had his kidney removed. He has made an amazing recovery. Thanks to all of you for your love and support. I have been wishing 1st grade would come faster. J has been driving me crazy this summer. I need to remember that if it weren't for Dr. Strasser checking J's blood pressure just 13 months ago, J would have ended up with heart failure. OK enough of that.......Thanks for letting me go on and on.......
The garden is doing great. It turns out I am great at growing morning glory. My Great-Grandma Hansen would be so proud. She loved morning glory. But on the other had Great-Grandpa was always trying to kill it. My dad says that never a summer went by without him here at least one argument between them concerning this matter. The beets are all pickled and canned. I even tried some on my salad at lunch and they were great. I have 10 rows of peas that are have pods ripe and ready every day to be picked. It is a pain in the butt to pod all those peas. But I eat a few as I go and it makes it worth it. The zucchini is going crazy. I have already shared a bunch with the neighbors and froze some for bread this winter. I haven't had any red tomatoes yet but lots of green so there is hope. J's pumpkin is taking over the south end and he may have to have a pumpkin sale in the fall. Let see we have carrots, potatoes, squash, corn, peppers, and cucumbers coming too. It has been fun to have my own garden but man I didn't realize how much work it was going to be.
I hear ya on the gardening issue. Glad things went okay with J and the Doctor.
I had never heard of J's problems! I have had NO idea! That's crazy and I'm glad things are doing good. Congrats on the garden - my dad would love to know about it. He planted me some corn last year in mine and I put it all up in the freezer but I didn't weed the garden, etc as well as he'd like. And this year I didn't do anything. That's awesome of you!
Wow your garden looks awesome
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